We consider business continuity to include disaster mitigation and maintaining productivity. To facilitate that, we have developed solutions for data and service integrity. The matrix below describes the services we use to build an appropriate solution for your organization:

Type of Service



Service Monitoring

Used to detect and alert staff about service outages. By actively monitoring network devices and services, outages or instabilities can be detected earlier which reduces downtime or TTR (time to resolution). Loss of productivity is also mitigated.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements 

Service Mirroring

Used to deploy emergency services for your critical systems. This is done by rebuilding these systems on different hardware or as guests on a VM host. System restoration in many cases be achieved within several hours.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements

Data Mirroring

Used to sync data to our network so that in a disaster the data can be shipped back to you for system reloading or temporarily put online for access remotely

Please contact us to discuss your requirements

Network Intrusion Detection & Penetration Testing Used to actively monitor your network traffic internally and/or externally to reveal weaknesses.  Attack simulation and other techniques are also used to better protect against non-generalized threats. Please contact us to discuss your requirements



Please contact us to discuss your business continuity needs with one of our consultants.

published & maintained
by DAO Technologies LLC
last updated: 2021-03-06 @ 17:00